Well, based on the sketchiest of preliminary data culled from a very small sample size, 2011 is shaping up to be better for me than 2010, if only by default. Despite not really doing much of anything other than reading and talking with some friends, I had a pretty good day. I'm feeling pretty optimistic about the future. Although I'm not sure it's so bright that I've gotta wear shades, I have a good overall feeling about this year.
For one thing, I'm actively trying to make small adjustments to my way of thinking about life. Near the end of 2010 it became obvious to me that my life was not going to be the way I once thought it was. Because I was excited about what I thought it was going to be, this realization was pretty much a bummer. I spent more than enough time ruminating on this particular bummer, trying to figure out what mistakes I'd made and take responsibility for them, and resolving not to make them again. I'm extremely analytical by nature, as well as honest with myself, so I think that rumination process was pretty successful for me. It also allowed me to see the things I'd done right which, in the final analysis, were not inconsiderable. So, now that I'm (more or less) done with that, it's time to stop dwelling on what could have been or what I wanted my life to be, and start re-creating my vision for the future...at least my own personal future. That's kind of liberating.
Usually as I write these posts, I'll go back and edit them, not so much for content as for the flow of the words, little typos, whatever. I'm not going to re-read the previous paragraph, because I think I'd vomit from the ham-handed cliche of it all, but I really believe it to be true, so there it stays.
I'm really excited to be headed back to Buenos Aires for a couple months, despite it being the "scene of the crime", if you will. I have a couple interesting projects I'm planning on working on, and some great friends - both old and new - that I'm looking forward to seeing and spending time with. I'm also excited about getting back here:
That's Lago de Regatas in Palermo, which is essentially the center of both my geographical and spiritual universe, crazy as that might sound. It's there that I started running in late 2009, and that changed my life in so many ways. I've made that 1.25-mile loop around the lake I don't know how many times and no matter what kind of mood I'm in when I start running, by the time I finish, I always feel like my mental batteries are completely re-charged. Nowadays, a good run anywhere will accomplish that for me, but this little lake...well, it will always be special for me.
Speaking of running, I think I've run out of things to say. I might post a book review later. Something to keep this blog busy, at least.
Thanks for reading.